Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 3 - Rescatar al jugador del pantano

[Describimos una subzona]
LaberintoCentral is a list of rooms that varies. LaberintoCentral is {Pantano1, Pantano2, Pantano3, Pantano4, Pantano5, Pantano6, Pantano7, Pantano8, Pantano9}.
Definition: a room is central if it is listed in LaberintoCentral.

[Contador de vueltas en el pantano central]
PasosEnCentral is a number that varies. PasosEnCentral is 0.

Before going from a room (called origen) to a central room:
    if origen is not central:
        change PasosEnCentral to 0;
        [say "Poniendo el contador a cero.";]
        increase PasosEnCentral by 1;
        [say "Dando vueltas en el central por [PasosEnCentral] pasos.";]
        if PasosEnCentral is greater than 9:
            [say "Ya vale.";]
            if there is a not central adjacent room (called salida):
                [say "Encontrada salida: [salida].";]
                let the way be the best route from the location to the salida;
                try going the way instead.